20 - GlobeWeather Module - J3


Joomla! 3 nativeJoomla! Module


GlobeWeather weather module for Joomla! 3

Compatible with PHP 7 and PHP 8.

Worldwide weather module for displaying actual weather readings, selected from more than 7000 official weather stations. For Joomla! 3 native, using official AWC weather data. No weather forecasts.
No registration or subscription to any weather services needed.

Supported languages
Front-end: English (additional languages available)
Back-end: English. The latest front-end language pack with additional languages can be downloaded here.

Install via Joomla! back-end. Don't forget to enable the module and you'll be up and running in minutes.

Basic setup instructions are in the Manual which is included in the installed module.
Please note: If you update from GlobeWeather v1.4.6 or earlier, you will lose configuration options. If you want to keep these options, you should not update or get the Premium Edition (€ 14.00 only).

This is a limited Trial edition. Also available as Premium and Business edition, including two additional icon sets, SmartMetar technology and ample additional options.

License: GNU/GPL. License terms are here.
Support: No support is provided. You may find the answer to your question on the forum.

File Size:
1,836.97 Kb
GNU/GPLv3. You understand and accept the license terms for this software.
File Version:
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