20 GlobeWeather Module - J25


compat_25_nativecompat_17_nativeJoomla! 1.6 nativeJoomla! Module


GlobeWeather worldwide weather module for Joomla! 2.5Worldwide weather module for displaying actual weather readings, selected from more than 7000 official weather stations. For Joomla! 1.6, 1.7 and 2.5 native, using official AWC weather data. No weather forecasts.
No registration or subscription to any weather services needed.

Supported languages
Front-end: English (additional languages available)
Back-end: English. The latest front-end language pack with additional languages can be downloaded here.

Install via Joomla! back-end. Don't forget to enable the module and you'll be up and running in minutes.
If your install is troublesome, see here.

Basic setup instructions are in the documentation file that comes with the download package.
Please note: If you update from GlobeWeather v1.4.6 or earlier, you will lose configuration options. If you want to keep these options, you should not update or get the Premium Edition (€ 14.00 only).

Also available as Premium and Business edition, including two additional icon sets, SmartMetar technology and ample additional options.

License: GNU/GPL. License terms are here.
Support: No support is provided. You may find the answer to your question on the forum.

File Size:
1,717.18 Kb
GNU/GPLv3. You understand and accept the license terms for this software.
File Version:
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