Our Joomla! extensions are to be installed via the back-end by using the standard Joomla! install procedure. Some downloaded install packages must be unzipped first.
If you have problems with the install, you can do the following:
- If not using FTP layer: Check your directory permissions.
- If using FTP layer: Check your FTP details.
- Try the install with the FTP layer on or off.
- Check whether an upload file size limit exists (may be as low as 2M). If so, you may need to contact your ISP to increase this limit.
ALTERNATIVE - Install from directory:
- Make a subdirectory in the Joomla! root folder /tmp, for example /tmp/mambweather
- Unzip the install package and upload (FTP) all files, including (sub)directories, into the above subdirectory
- In the Joomla! back-end (menu extensions/install-uninstall) enter the details of the install directory under "Install from Directory", see attached image
- Click the Install button
- When the install has finished, you can delete the install (sub)directories and files