Login One! plug-inAbout the Login One! Plug-in - Freeware, Premium and Business Editions - for Joomla! 3



The information on this page is to be considered a basic description and is provided as is, without any form of warranty.

If you'd rather watch a visual summary of the plug-in functionalities, click here.

Login One! authentication schematicsThe Login One! plug-in is an extended version of the standard Joomla! authentication process, with a number of added steps. The plug-in really kicks in when a user is attempting a second log-in while the first session is still alive. This occurs - for example - when the user has closed the web browser without signing off a session and then decides to log in again.

The image on the right illustrates, in broad terms, the difference between the standard Joomla! and Login One! authentication process.


Login One! notice - J3 (waiting time only with Premium and Business Edition)

  • Login One! freeware edition denies all multiple log-ins, except for Super Users. This edition is straightforward by its simplicity. And it's free!!
    Supports Two-Factor Authentication. There is a limitation, see here.
  • Login One! Premium Edition denies all multiple log-ins, except for Super Users.
    - For personal, one-man business and non-profit websites only. Limited support.
    - Supports Two-Factor Authentication.
    - Deals with the limitations introduced by Joomla! 1.6, see here.
    - Specified user groups can be allowed unlimited multiple log-ins by configuration.

    Login One! Premium - Basic configuration
  • Login One! Business Edition denies all multiple log-ins, except for Super Users.
    - For personal and business use. Support provided.
    - Supports Two-Factor Authentication.
    - Deals with the limitations introduced by Joomla! 1.6, see here.
    - Specified user groups can be allowed multiple log-ins by configuration.
    - Individual users and IP addresses can be allowed multiple log-ins, e.g. in case their user group is not already assigned 'allowed'. Super Users are always 'allowed'.
    - Individual users and IP addresses can be denied multiple log-ins. For example: you have allowed multiple log-ins for all authors (in the 'allowed user groups' parameter), but want to deny multiple log-ins for some individual users in this group. Super Users can not be denied.
    - You can allow/deny multiple log-ins for any user/IP combination.
    - The maximum number of simultaneous log-ins for 'allowed' users (groups) can be configured. Super Users can always have an unlimited number of log-ins.
    - You can configure 'special user groups' that may have a maximum number of simultaneous log-ins different from the default value.

    Login One! Business - Basic configuration

    - You can configure what will happen upon a denied log-in: displaying the standard
    notification message, a redirect to an article, or a redirect to a URL.

    Login One! Business - Notification options

    - You can select how users may log in (username and/or email address), configure a master password for selected user groups and create special user groups.

    180219 login one business advanced J3

    - AND MORE...

Configuration overview, see here.


  • Login One! all editions: Visit our forum.


  • Login One! freeware edition: No support.
  • Login One! Premium Edition: Free-of-charge support for installation and setup until one (1) month after purchase. See support terms.
  • Login One! Business Edition: Free-of-charge support for installation, setup and operation until three (3) months after purchase. See support terms.
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